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  • October 05, 2020 5:02 PM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    KSPMA announces new Partnership

    KSPMA has named Facilitron as the official work orders system for schools in Kentucky. 

    (Watch Video Announcement and Overview)

    All county districts will receive special pricing and will be able to access Facilitron’s work orders system as well as their complete facility management platform—including facility scheduling, community requests, contact tracing tools and more.

    Facilitron created their work order system especially for school district M&O departments, is easy-to-use, mobile friendly and includes everything in one system—work orders, preventive maintenance, assets and consumables, key management and more. No additional modules or fees.

    Implementation is turn-key with no additional setup fees and takes just a few weeks to complete.

    Perhaps best of all, the system will automatically create the critical funding-related Kentucky State School Maintenance Reports that districts are required to submit every four years. Also, by utilizing Facilitron as your facility management platform and work order system, KSPMA will be able to aggregate important data on how Kentucky school districts operate to help bring future improvements and benefits to its members.

    Access the Entire Facilitron Platform

    KSPMA districts moving to the Facilitron work orders system will automatically be setup on Facilitron’s facility scheduling and calendaring platform. This platform manages the schedules of every facility in the district so M&O departments will know about any event or activity taking place on campus. 

    The scheduling platform can auto-generate rule-based work orders when an event is scheduled so that lights, HVAC, security or custodial gets scheduled. Also, maintenance can block out a facility’s availability on the scheduling platform so no one can reserve the facility if a repair or refurbishment project shuts down access. 

    Most importantly, the two systems are integrated so M&O can know when both internal or external events and activities take place and stay up-to-date with changes. That’s what Facilitron refers to as “one platform-of-record.”


    Other Exclusive Features Include:

    • Work Scheduler — literally drag and drop work orders on an employee name, track vacation and sick time, and segment by trade
    • Scheduled Reports — create the report you need and have it come to your inbox each morning
    • Automatic Notifications — auto-email notifications sent to site when new work order is received, parts ordered, and job completed. Customizable control of notifications.
    • Bulk Action — Bulk receive, print, and close out work orders
    • Budget and Tracking — automatically track budget performance by assigning costs

    Easy, Turnkey Implementation

    Implementation takes less than a month and includes:

    • Build out of entire platform — including sites, facilities, workers, users, assets, consumables, with photos and descriptions
    • Import existing data — including in-progress work orders, PM schedules, and three years of historical data
    • Training and support — Admins, workers, users, with support documents, and email and telephone support

    What Happens Next?

    Three simple steps will start the process.

    Step 1:

    Facilitron will offer two live video presentations for KSPMA members to go over the features and benefits of the platform and to answer any questions. The sessions are scheduled for October 14th or October 15th, 2020. Click below to register.

    October 14 at 1:00 pm ET/12:00 pm CT:

    October 15 at 1:00 pm ET/12:00 pm CT:

    Step 2:

    Review Facilitron contract and return signed document.

    Step 3:

    Schedule implementation. Facilitron will begin implementing Kentucky districts on October 10th.


    Get Touch-Free Attendee Management at Your District with No Cost or Obligation

    Facilitron will set up at no cost or obligation touch-free single point- of-entry Attendee Management at each school site in your district. Attendee Management documents time, date, location and contact information of anyone who comes on campus for health screenings and contact tracing investigations. 

    For more information or to schedule your implementation, email us at

  • October 02, 2020 8:30 AM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    The 2020 Annual Conference Golf Scramble was a hit.  With 15 teams and 58 players participating in the event.  We raised a total of $ 8,350.00 for the Scholarship Program.  This year this event was a net zero cost to the Association.  This means that 100% of the money raised will go towards the 2021 Scholarship Program.  Special thanks to Energy Optimizers, USA and Thermal Equipment our Executive Level Sponsors that made this possible.  

  • September 17, 2020 1:25 PM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    In case you missed it, back in August Terry Salyers reviewed over the Energy Management Services provided by the KSPMA.  Watch the full webinar here at: KSPMA KEEP Program

  • June 22, 2020 9:23 AM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    Golf Scramble

    Golfing with the Executive Directors Office

    July 23rd, 2020 @ Old Bridge Golf Course 1 Old Bridge Rd, Danville, KY 40422

    Meet at the Clubhouse at 7:00 AM EST. 

    18 Holes

    Awards + Gift Cards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place  ($400, $200, & $100)

    Door Prizes (EDO Marketing things)

    Lunch Included (Box Lunch Hamburger/Cheese Burger, Chips, Cookie and bottled water)

    Fee $450.00 per Team

    USGA Rules in Effect

    Lunch Sponsored by Energy Optizmizers and Thermal Equipment Sales and Service

    Hole 1 Sponsored by Energy Optimizers and Hole 10 Sponsored by Thermal Equipment Sales and Service

    Alcohol must be purchased at the Bar no outside Coolers Allowed (ABC Law)

    Note:  For the Vendors that paid for the Energy Conference Scramble they can attend this event in lieu of the Energy Event. 

    To Register for the Event:

  • June 22, 2020 7:35 AM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    The KSPMA is actively seeking applicants for the 2020-2024 Vice-President.  This is a 4 year commitment to the organization (Vice-President, President Elect, President, Past President).  For more details and to apply for the position please visit:  KSPMA Application

  • June 19, 2020 2:21 PM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    ICYMI:  The KSPMA made a historical moment this week by hosting our first "LIVE" Webinar's.  You can watch the recorded version of the events by clicking the links below.  

    Progressive Design Concepts for the Evolving Learning Environment
    Join Thermal Equipment Sales and a local manufacturer of High Volume Low-Speed Fans as we discuss an array of opportunities to implement energy savings measures in various K-12 school applications. Additionally, we'll discuss a proven method of significantly decreasing airborne virus propagation with the use of a UR-UVGI and circulator fans system.
    Presenters – Chris Tyler, Keith McKay, and Christian Taber

    View this Webinar:  PDCELE 

    Forming a Post-Covid Plan to Optimize Your Facilities

    Join Energy Optimizers in an open discussion.  
    Presenters- Sara Little 

     View this Webinar:  FPCPOF
    *Free for Members. 

  • February 24, 2020 1:29 PM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    2020 KSPMA Professional Development & Energy Conference

    Sponsorship Opportunities

    Greetings!!!  I wanted to touch base with you and let you know about the upcoming 2 Day KSPMA Professional Development and Energy Conference.  This year’s combined event will provide the latest information from KDE, Energy providers, and other experts from the commonwealth.  The majority of attendees will be school administrators, which will be an excellent opportunity to meet the decision makers.  KSPMA appreciates your support and look forward to seeing you in Bowling Green.

    We are also advertising an opening for a Vendor Representative on the KSPMA board of directors.  Please contact Mr. Stephen Griebe or myself for more details.

    2020 Professional Development & Energy Conference

    Vendor Registration

    Date:            April 21st & 22nd, 2020

    Location:       Holiday Inn University Plaza and Sloan Convention Center

                        1021 Wilkinson Blvd.

                        Bowling Green, KY 42103

    Setup is on Monday April 20 from 1:00 PM CST to 5:00 PM CST we strongly encourage you to setup during this time period. 

    You can setup from 7:00 AM CST to 8:30 AM CST on Tuesday morning. If not setting up on Monday, you may miss some great opportunities to mingle with some of the attendee's and discuss your product/services. In years pasts, from 7:30 to 8:30 some of the attendee's arrive early and mingle with the vendors and other attendees. This is a great networking opportunity for you.

    We have 2 levels of sponsorship for this event: (The Conference Sponsor Level listed on the link is sold out)

    Premium Sponsor $950.00 Premium Sponsors can select any available booth.

    • Premium Location picked by Vendor in order of paid registrations. 
    • 6-foot table clothed 
    • 2- Chairs 
    • 2- Vendor Passes – Extra Badges - $100.00 Each
    • Electric
    • Advertisement in the program book 
    • Vendor Logo on Website    

    Standard Booth $475.00. Standard Booth Sponsors can select

    booths 11 – 46 + 51 – 66.

    • Location picked by Vendor in order of paid registrations 
    • 6-foot table clothed  
    • 2- Chairs 
    • 2- Vendor Passes – Extra Badges - $100.00 Each

    KSPMA is using a new interactive registration process.  When you select your level (Premium or Standard) you will select your own booth location. Your choice of locations is determined by when you register.  First come first served.  You will then be asked to enter your company information and will be invoiced via the email you provide.  All invoices are due by March 15th, 2020.

    Please click on the link below to register.

    2020 Spring Conference Vendor Registration

    2020 Golf Scrambles (PD/Energy Conference, Maintenance Technician/Custodial Conferences, Annual State Conference)

    KSPMA will also be hosting a golf scramble on Monday, April 20, 2020 at golf course adjacent to the hotel. Partial proceeds from this event will benefit our Scholarship program.  Please be on the lookout for additional information about the Golf event!  Get your 4-some together and test your skills!!!

    To register for the golf scramble please click:   2020 Spring Conference Golf Scramble

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

    Scott Rowland

    Assistant Director

    (606) 793-2532

  • February 18, 2020 3:23 PM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    ****Press Release**** 

    Lexington, Ky Congratulations to our newest Presidents Level Partner Harshaw Trane!!! 

    Harshaw Trane specializes in student-optimized learning environments——a combination of high-performance design, followed by proper maintenance and upgrades throughout a building’s lifecycle. But our energy-efficient equipment, innovative building controls and flexible service plans are just a few elements of the Harshaw Trane story. Our greatest strength is our ability to create partnerships with our educational clients. In-depth consultation with school districts lets us identify and implement classroom conditions that are essential to learning.

  • January 30, 2020 1:44 PM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    On October 23rd, 2019 Kevin Mattingly of Nelson County completed his Certified Facility Managers Certification.  Congratulations to Kevin!!!! 

  • January 29, 2020 12:00 PM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

    The Board of Directors meet in Bowling Green, Ky on January 28th, 2019.  Items on the Agenda included:

    Tour of the Sloan Convention Center and Holiday Inn Conference Center

    Zach and staff of the Convention Center provided the BOD with a tour of the facility and included a sample of food that will be provided at the PD/Energy Conference.  The reviews from the Board of Directors were very positive and we are looking forward to the event venue. 

    Review over the Professional Development/Energy Conference Agenda

    ·        The PD/Energy Conference agenda is in the final stages of finalization. Breakout Sessions include:

    ·        The New BG-1 and BG2’s- What’s Changed- KDE

    ·        Energy Management Programs- Understanding the Basics- Terry V Salyer

    ·        KFICS-What you need to know- KDE

    ·        Measuring Energy Efficiency and Sustainability- CMTA

    ·        Forum:  Facility Trends- KDE, Energy Optimizers, KEDC/KPC

    ·        Facility Manager Forum Past/Current/Future- Kerry Whitehouse, Patrick Richardson, Kevin Mattingly

    ·        Controls in Energy- Thermal Equipment

    ·        Model Procurement for School Administrators- KEDC/KPC

    ·        Building Envelope Analysis

    ·        Future Energy Trends (Panel)

    ·        Kentucky Center for School Safety- Jon Akers Center for School Safety/Security

    ·        Financing Future Energy Projects- Ross Sinclair & Associates

    Review and first reading of the modified Bylaws

    The Bylaw committee submitted an updated copy of the Bylaws that encompassed all the changes that have occurred over the last couple of years.  The modified Bylaws can be found here and is scheduled for Full Board vote on June 8th, 2020.

    Review and modification of the Maintenance Technicians/Custodial Worker Conference

    At the recommendation of the EDO, the Board of Directors is expanding the Custodial Conference to include Maintenance Technicians and offering 6 hours of Continuing Education for HVAC/Plumbing/Electrical Contractor and Electrician hours.  Locations for the 2020 Maintenance Technician/Custodial Worker Conferences include:  Paducah, Bowling Green, Nicholasville, Somerset, Florence, and Pikeville.

    For more information please contact

    The next Board of Directors Meeting is set for June 8th, 2020 with location to be announced. 

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Kentucky School Plant Management Association is a 501(c) non-profit organization.  PO Box 189 | Stanton, KY 40380

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