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2023 Opening Positions

February 07, 2023 9:09 AM | Stephen Griebe (Administrator)

2023 Positions Opening to Serve

on the KSPMA Board of Directors

Region 1 Director 

Region 3 Director 

Region 5 Director 

Region 7 Director Regional Directors:

a. Regional Directors positions shall be elected to represent their specific regions, shall serve for two years, and may serve successive terms, if elected.

b. Communicate with membership within specified region to deliver issues, needs, concerns, improvements, and ideas to support the Association.

c. Attend Board meetings, special Board, and committee meetings, as requested by the President or Executive Director.

d. At Board meetings, special Board, and committee meetings the Regional Director shall cast votes to represent the needs and views expressed of the specified region, and support the mission, vision, and growth of the Association.

e. Encourage potential members within specified region to participate with all Association programs, particularly within the region.

f. Plan and coordinate training seminars within their region with the Training Director.

g. Assist in the planning process of the Annual Conference meeting, by providing suggestions for breakouts, speakers, and vendor partners.

h. Maintain current list of persons involved in plant operations and maintenance throughout their region, both members & potential members.

i. Contact all individuals (either members or non-members) at least twice per year (either by phone, email or letter) to inform of regional meetings, Association objectives and concerns, and upcoming Regional Meetings, Conferences, Workshops, Training Seminars, etc. to garner both repeat membership and new membership.

j. Be knowledgeable of Association bylaws, policies, procedures, and objectives of the Association.

k. Provide a list of vendors and business contacts (names, addresses and phone numbers) that do business in the director’s school district and region to the Assistant Director, as potential vendor members.

l. Attempt to host at least 2 Regional Meetings17 (“meet & greet”) meals with members and potential members, potential vendors in their region, per term, that include Directors and/or staff of the Executive Directors office.

m. Host (provide venue location) for at least 1 Association Training and Education Session per term. The Association shall cover the cost of meals, materials, equipment, etc.  

Vendor Representative (2023-2026) Elected Vendor Representatives: Elected Vendor Representatives of the Association’s Board of Directors shall:

a. Attend meetings, training sessions and other KSPMA sponsored activities at no expense to the Association for travel, lodging and food, except for food expenses where it is a group function paid by KSPMA or others.

b. Attend quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors to represent and be the voice of the Vendors.

c. Assist the coordination of all product displays of vendor participation, and vendor -oriented materials for meetings and events of the Association.

d. Encourage and promote vendor participation and support for the Association.

e. Solicit sponsorship for membership, advertising, and other financial support for the Association.

f. Assist in the planning process of the Associations workshops, training sessions, conferences, and other member related activities.

g. Assist Executive Directors Office and staff in vendor setup operations at conferences, workshops, and other planned activities. 

For more information about these positions please reach out to the Executive Directors Office or call the office at 502-783-1441.  

Apply directly at:

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Last updated: 12/24/2024

Kentucky School Plant Management Association is a 501(c) non-profit organization.  260 Democrat Drive | Frankfort, KY 40601

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