2020 Conference Sponsor
Professional Development & Energy Conference
April 13th & 14th, 2021
Sloan Convention Center | Wilkerson Blvd |Bowling Green, Ky.
The Professional Development and Energy Conference is held every spring. This two day conference is for Professional Development of Maintenance Personnel, Supervisors, Custodial Supervisors, Facility Managers and Energy Managers.
Highlights include:
Golf Scramble April 12th, 2021 @ 8:00AM CST Shotgun Start
50 Diverse Vendors (Mechanical, Custodial, Engineering, Professional Services, Technology, Security, etc.)
Sessions - Note All Times are Central Standard Time
Tuesday April 13th, 2021
COVID Check-In, pickup name badge, pickup Breakfast Ticket
Breakfast is available for all members. Non-members can purchase a breakfast ticket at the registration desk.
8:30 AM Conference Opening Ceremony - BALLROOM D
On-Time Drawing
Welcome- Stephen Griebe, Executive Director
Opening Prayer- Sam Haulk, Association Chaplin
Opening Message- John Campbell, Floyd County President Elect.
Opening Message- Energy Optimizers Conference Sponsor
8:45 - 9:45 Session 1
Where Do We Go From Here? - BALLROOM D
Participants will learn about COVID 19’s effects on facilities and where to go from here!
We will discuss a checklist for your facilities, different aspects of your facilities, and how to go
about each of them!
Speaker: Rusty Bookman and Terry Salyer from Energy Optimizers
9:45- 10:30 Break/Visit with Vendors in Tradeshow Area
10:30 -11:30 Session 2
The Next Normal: Indoor Air Quality in K-12 Facilities -BALLROOM D
A best practices approach to Indoor Air Quality and creating a safe and healthy learning environment.
We will discuss lessons learned and challenges we discovered while assessing over 2,000,000 sq ft of
K-12 facilities a week.
Speaker: Bob Miles Jimmy Arnold, Trane
Roof & HVAC Replacements Funded from Energy Savings- MEETING ROOM 1 & 2
This presentation will give an introduction to Guaranteed Energy Savings Contracts and how school districts
can fund major infrastructure upgrades from energy savings.
Speaker: Jonathan Gasser, CMTA
11:30 – 12:45 Walking/Working Lunch Visit with Vendors- TRADESHOW AREA
12:45 – 1:45 Session 3
Maintenance Management Systems: How to Go from Reactive to Predictive- BALLROOM D
Presentation will show you how using an integrated maintenance management system can help take you from a reactive to predictive PM model; saving money, improving equipment uptime, and right-sizing staff.
Speaker: Jared Wagman, Facilitron
1:45 – 2:30 Break/Visit with Vendors
2:30- 3:30 Session 4
Facility Manager Forum Past/Current/Future MEETING ROOM 1 & 2
Speakers: Joe Stuecker, Matt Ladd, Kevin Mattingly
Moderator: Energy Optimizers
Controls in Energy- BALLROOM D
Speaker: Thermal Equipment
3:45 Daily Door Prizes- TRADESHOW AREA
All Checked-In Attendees have a chance to win at the Wheel of Names Daily Door Prizes
4:30 -6:00 Members Only Bingo and Appetizers- TRADESHOW AREA
Members are invited to participate in the Associations Bingo Game. The KSPMA Vendor Reps will be hosting the Bingo Game in the Tradeshow area (Ballrooms A,B & C) Appetizers and a cash bar will be available during this event.
Vendor Reps
6:00 Dinner on your Own
Wednesday April 14th, 2021
COVID Check-In, pickup name badge, pickup Breakfast Ticket
Breakfast is available for all members. Non-members can purchase a breakfast ticket at the registration desk.
8:45-9:45 Session 5
Model Procurement for School Administrators- MEETING ROOM 1 & 2
Speaker: Sam Atkins, KEDC/KPC
Building Envelopes Analysis- BALLROOM D
Speaker: Sherman Carter Barnhart Architects
9:45- 10:30 Break/Visit with Vendors
10:30 -11:30 Session 6
Germs and Germstop- BALLROOM D
Speaker: Alpha & Omega
Future Energy Trends- MEETING ROOM 1 & 2
Moderator: Energy Optmizers- Sara Little
11:30 – 12:45 Walking/Working Lunch Visit with Vendors
12:45 – 1:45 Session 7
Office of the State School Security Marshal Risk Assessments- BALLROOM D
This presentation will discuss the implementation of the School Safety and Resiliency Act of 2019 and the first two years of Mandatory Risk Assessments conducted by the Office of the State School Security Marshal.
Speaker: Ben Wilcox
Improving your Facilities Without Breaking the Bank- MEETING ROOM 1 & 2
Speaker: - Dave Eshbaugh and Terry Salyer, Energy Optimizers
1:45 – 2:30 Break/Visit with Vendors
2:30- 3:30 Closing Session
Financing Future Energy Projects- BALLROOM D
Discussion will revolve around various financing options for energy projects for K-12 schools including a discussion of the various bonding options and other potential revenue sources.
Speaker: Dwight Salsbury, RSA, Advisors
3:45 Daily Door Prizes- BALLROOM D