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2024 Board of Directors and Committee's 

Below are the 2024 Associations Board of Directors and Committee's serving the Association

The Association is managed by the Board of Directors and operated by the Executive Directors Office (EDO).  Currently the Association has 20 Board Members from across the state representing the 150+ members of the Association.  Each Board member is assigned to a committee and the committees make recommendations to the Full Board for action.  The Board of Directors meet monthly and you can find the next scheduled meeting on the Associations events calendar.  

The Executive Board (serving as the steering committee) includes the President, Vice-President, Past President, Recording Secretary/Treasurer, Superintendent Representative and Executive Director.  

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors the following positions will become open later this year: 

  • Regional Director for regions: 2,4,6,& 8- 2 Year Commitment 
  • Vendor Representative- 3 Year Commitment

 You can view the requirements of the positions on the Associations Policy and Procedure Manual.  To apply for the position click: BOD Application


The Association has 13 Committees that serve our members and takes care of the Associations business.  Committees meet monthly and report quarterly to discuss the needs of the Association and make recommendations to the Full-Board of Directors.  


Finance Committee meets with the Executive Director and Recording Secretary to review the income revenues, expenditures, balance the budget, review over the Accountants report and financial transaction procedures. A report is made to the full membership as to the state of the Association’s funds quarterly. Primary responsibility is to advise the Executive Director in making financial decisions in dealing with Association funds.

Finance Committee Chair:  Steve Griebe


Bylaw & Policy Committee meets to make Bylaw and Policy revision proposals to the Bylaws or the Associations Policy & Procedure Manual, for action by the Board of Directors. Potential Bylaw or Policy & Procedure Manual revisions may come from the Committee, Board of Directors, or any member of the Association.

Bylaws and Policy Committee Chair:  David Lyons


Membership Committee assists the Executive Director and Assistant Director in marketing the Association, primarily to increase both district membership expansion, individual members, and Vendor Partners.

Membership Committee Chair: Jeff McGuire


Lifetime Member Award Committee is responsible for determining a slate of retired members who qualify to receive the Award, they submit slate to the Board of Directors for approval per the guidelines found in this manual.

Lifetime Member Award Committee Chair: Nick Coleman


Application and Quality Assurance Committee will assist the Executive Director in seeking individuals to fill upcoming openings on the Board of Directors. The Committee shall develop minimum criteria for each office/position, including minimum time serving as board member/committee member for an officer position and minimum time as active member for a regional director, which will be utilized to determine eligibility while evaluating applicants.  The Application and Quality Assurance Committee is also responsible for managing the Hank Award.  The Application and Quality Assurance Committee shall perform vetting procedures on all applicants as per the EDO Policies and Procedures. 

Application & Quality Assurance Committee Chair: Patrick Richardson


The Scholarship Committee will evaluate the scholarship candidate application(s) and bring a recommendation of possible candidates to receive a scholarship, based upon the approved budget, to the Board of Directors for approval The Scholarship Committee shall recommend to the Board qualified applications at the second quarter Board Meeting for the number of scholarships available the full board shall vote on issuing the scholarships. The Scholarship Committee with the assistance of the Regional Directors shall publicize the Scholarship Program. The Committee Chair and/or the Executive Director shall correspond with recipient(s) and ensure financial award(s) were received by the intended post-secondary institutions.

Scholarship Committee Chair: Nick Coleman


Trade Show Committee will assist the Assistant Director in the solicitation of vendors and vendor partners for the Association events.  The Committee will also assist with setup/takedown of the Associations Assets at events, assist other vendors at the tradeshows; and assist in the training activities and workshops of the Association.

Tradeshow Committee Chair: Scott Rowland


Professional Development and Certification Committee provides the Management, Scheduling and Coordinating Training Curriculum, Trainers, and Proctors for the Associations Certification Programs.  Including but not limited to:  General Maintenance Certification Program, Facility Manager Program, Effective Instructional Leadership Act (EILA), Pre-Conference Trade License Training, Train-The-Trainer Certifications, and other Regional or Statewide training opportunities.

The Professional Development and Certification Committee must by majority vote approve the issuing of Individual Association Certifications (IAC):

  • General Maintenance Certifications (Maintenance or Custodial) 
  • Facility Manger Certifications
  • Train-The-Trainer Certifications (Powered Industrial Truck and/or Mobile Elevated Work Platforms)
  • COVID Compliance Officer Certifications

The Professional Development and Certification Committee must also:

Review and Approve the Associations Curriculum by Majority Vote for which programs shall be presented to the Board of Directors for a secondary approval by majority vote. 

PD/Certification Committee Chair: Trevor Herndon


Strategic Partnership Committee will maintain a positive relationship with the Commissioner of Education, The Division of Facilities, and Partnering Associations.  The Committee will work with the Executive Director in facilitating a strategic partnership that allows growth of the Association by networking with all partners.    

KDE/Partnering Associations Committee Chair: Patrick Richardson 


Personnel Committee: Entire Executive Board of Directors


Members include at least Superintendent Representative, Executive Director, President, and Vice President.  The Legislative Committee shall be the group to determine the associations Legislative goals, build relationships with state level stakeholders and work to get the goals into legislation.

Legislative Committee Chair: Chris Tyler


Members include the President, Executive Director, Assistant Executive Director, Elected Vendor Representatives, Executive Level Sponsors, and the Event Coordinator.  The Conference Committee shall focus on KSPMA Sponsored Conferences and work to plan all aspects of conferences to provide the best experience for attendees, and vendors.

Conference Committee Chair: Steve Griebe

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Last updated: 8/17/2024

Kentucky School Plant Management Association is a 501(c) non-profit organization.  260 Democrat Drive | Frankfort, KY 40601

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